Our Products and Solutions

Point of Sale Hardware
From traditional lane to NCR Fastlanes, we sell and support a curated selection of the most trusted hardware for your business.
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Point of Sale and Back-Office Software
A variety of software solution options designed for the grocery industry, supported 24/7 by the InStore Technology HelpDesk.
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Electronic Shelf Labels
Give your store a compelling advantage with 100% price accuracy at the shelf and immediate pricing updates, all while saving on the costs of printing and hanging shelf tags.
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e-Commerce, Loyalty, and Payments
Take your business to the next level with a variety of supported options for e-Commerce,
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InStore understands the value of proactive, defensive security measures to keep our retailers sleeping well at night.
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Our Consulting & Implementation and Support Services close the gap between plans and execution.
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Satisfied Customers

We are 100% focused on the independent grocer. We understand the unique challenges independent retailers face and tailor our offerings around trusted products that add value and let you focus on delivering for your customers. We constantly review changes in the marketplace, looking for practical business solutions for our independent retailers.

With hundreds of years of combined grocery technology experience, the team at InStore know what works, what doesn't, and how to troubleshoot issues that come up in your daily operations. Staff regularly attend education, training, and certification events. When combined with modern efficient lab environments, this allows our staff to provide the best services possible. Our people understand and care about your business - let us show you.

Easy to Do Business with
We take pride in learning from our customers what you feel is important, relevant, and necessary to hold and grow your business. Our business is carefully structured around in-house expertise and strategic partnerships. We have best-of-breed solutions to help you manage your operations, from the front door to the back office. Our solutions come with the expertise to install, train and support you today and into the future.

We take Care of it
We service what we sell from integration, implementation, training, service, support, upgrades and migrations. We invest significantly to ensure our staff is well trained, equipped, and manufacturer certified. We take care of your business so that you can take care of your customers.